A few weeks ago I got to participate in a 5k in Mississippi. Hot as hades! But… Excellent race! There was a large crowd out and I got to warm the crowd up for the run on a rickety crickety stage. I really thought I was going to: a. Snap the stage in half or b. Snap the stage in half and land on an old person, break their hip, and live with guilt for the rest of my life. Either way I’m really surprised that stage didn’t buckle like cowboy belts.
It was a hot, muggy day, but overall it was a good one and everybody had fun…except for this old guy. I think he passed out in front of a McDonald’s, but he looked tough so I think he made it. I refuse to post my time though because I am not at all happy about it, but I had good reason to stink it up. I know, excuses are for the weak and I normally don’t resort to them, but I did pull my hamstring the week before doing FRONT SQUATS! WTH?? Right? Exactly… One thing a guy at work recommended I try was kinesiotape. It’s relatively new. Got this little blurb from Medicine.net that explains it’s benefits:
“On skin, the Kinesio Tape pulls the upper layers of skin, creating more space between the dermis and the muscle. The space created is believed to relieve pressure on the lymph channels in the area between the muscle and the dermis, creating more space for lymph flow and thus better lymph drainage through an affected area. This space also houses various nerve receptors that send specific information to the brain. When the space between the epidermis and the muscle is compressed, such as during an injury, these nerve receptors are compressed and send information to the brain regarding continuous touch, light touch, cold, pain, pressure, and heat. This information causes the brain to send out certain signals to the body on how to react to particular stimuli. Kinesiotape alters the information that these receptors send to the brain and causes a less reactive response in the body, allowing the body to work in a more normal manner and removing some of the roadblocks that normally slow down the healing process. Kinesiotape
also is felt to affect deeper tissues in the body. Increased space theoretically allows muscles greater contractility, which in turn pushes more fluid through the muscle, resulting in better muscle performance. The end results are believed to be reduced muscle fatigue, increase in range of motion, and better quality of muscle contraction.”
Sounds good to me!
I’ve bought some, but I haven’t used any yet. I honestly keep forgetting, but I’m about to pick up running my 100 yd sprints so I’ll wear some to help prevent pulling my lame hammy again and tell you all how it does. When I do use it I’ll follow the method in this video. FYI, the chick in it is smokin…..fellas, you’re welcome.
Watch the demonstration for Kinesio Tape below.